Your credit cards get quite a workout during the holiday season. Shopping in a store or online, you need to keep your credit card account safe. Here are some precautions you can take: Don’t use debit cards Use cash or a credit card to make purchases. If someone gets...
If you are planning to spruce up those tired walls in your home, you may be asking whether to paint or wallpaper. Both have pros and cons according to the QC Design School. Let’s take a look. Paint Pros: This is the classic, easiest, most durable and less expensive...
The weekend after Thanksgiving has become the biggest shopping period of the season. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday attract millions of shoppers to stores and online sites. Readers Digest has holiday shopping tips to help you get the best...
Colder weather is fast approaching and it’s time to get your home ready for winter. Here are some tips to winterize your home. Clean up the Yard – Once the leaves stop falling, rake them up. Also, give the lawn one last mowing. Cut it short to prevent matting from...
Your FICO score determines your credit risk to lenders, the percentage rate to pay it back, and whether they will offer a loan. Knowing how your credit habits affect the score will help you get the best borrowing rates and lower insurance premiums. What is FICO? The...